Platinum Air Care

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COVID-19 still exists and transmission rates are increasing (again)

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

With COVID-19 restrictions reduced or removed in most countries globally, the return of normalcy has been with Canadians and Americans alike for the majority of 2022, but the fact remains, COVID-19 is something we have to live with; among other airborne viruses (like influenza/the flu).

If you search for the data, it is undeniable. Even recently a new wave of COVID-19 infections is sweeping the United States, with federal officials calling the uptick “very substantial.”. While some had hoped the country would be close to herd immunity, experts say that the idea has been complicated by reinfections. - Credit: NBC’s Stephanie Gosk reports for TODAY, watch the report video by clicking here.

Rising COVID-19 cases across the world

According to the CDC, As of July 7, 2022, there are 666 (20.7%) counties, districts, or territories with a high COVID-19 Community Level, 1,218 (37.8%) counties with a medium Community Level, and 1,331 (41.3%) counties with a low Community Level in the United States.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says COVID-19 cases rising nearly everywhere in the world with the biggest rise recently seen in the Middle East.

Indoor COVID-19 transmission

According to this news video from NBC, COVID-19 transmission is 19 times more likely to happen indoors rather than outdoors. Scientists agree that if you are going to be inside, the better the airflow, the lower the risk.

Most homes, offices, and workplaces lack proper ventilation leaving air to be stagnant. The video mentioned above on showcases using a smoke device just how important proper ventilation is; even simply opening a window can make a big difference.

Proper ventilation is necessary

Indoor air moves less than outdoor air, in order to improve indoor air quality and reduce lingering viruses a properly working ventilation system or air purifying device is necessary.

Most grocery stores, hardware stores, theatres, offices and so much more have a hard time properly circulating the airflow and dissipating a test smoke device. This also showcases why it is still important to wear masks in crowded environments because you cannot guarantee the location has adequate ventilation to efficiently draw the air into the HVAC system.

Even today, educational environments lack funding to improve ventilation. Many public schools have not improved indoor air quality since the pandemic, and according to a CDC report, fewer than 40% of schools have replaced or upgraded their HVAC systems.

How to improve ventilation and improve indoor air quality

Improve ventilation, utilize air filtration, and disinfect the air.

  • Replacing/upgrading the HVAC system is a surefire way to improve airflow and air changes per hour. When the HVAC ventilation system is working efficiently and the vents are clean, air can smoothly be drawn inside the system and re-circulated throughout the building. This is where proper filtration comes in~

  • Utilizing air filtration with HEPA filtration or MERV 13 or higher can be done inside the HVAC system or implemented with portable air purifiers.

  • Disinfecting the air using ultra-violet light purification safely disrupts the DNA of viruses so they are unable to reproduce.

The statistics from the recent CDC report, it is shown how HEPA filtration systems are used in 33% or less of high-risk areas and classrooms. Portable air purifiers such as the MedicAir® 2.0 Air Purifier which combines the 3 pillars of protecting the air (improving ventilation, using HEPA filtration, Ultra-violet light disinfection, and more) are proven ways to directly improve indoor air quality and are used in thousands of environments including schools across the UK.

Take advantage of available tax credits (US & Canada)

Business tax credits are available to help your business improve air quality. The Government of Canada is offering a small business air quality improvement tax credit equal to 25% of expenses related to the purchase or upgrade of mechanical heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and the purchase of standalone devices designed to filter air using high-efficiency particulate air filters (HEPA), up to $10,000 per location and $50,000 in total. These offers expire on certain dates, so be sure to consult with the CRA or your accountants.


The world is educated on the threat of airborne viruses and facing COVID-19 is now the new normal. It is just as important now than ever to remember the basics of health and safety, and especially be cautious of the invisible airborne threats which is a message we at Platinum Air Care have given for over 20 years.