20x25x4 MERV 13 Furnace Filters

from $45.95
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IMPORTANT! Double-check if this filter is the correct match for your system!

EXACT SIZE: 19-3/8 x 24-3/8 x 3-5/8”

MERV 13 Furnace Filters are an excellent choice for people who want to reduce their furnace and ventilation system’s airborne particulate levels. It will fit in your 20x25x4-inch heating unit, which means that it will work with many furnaces on the market. MERV 13 filters are effective for trapping tiny particles like dust and pet dander.

For more effective methods of cleaning your indoor air take a look at our indoor air quality solutions.

To learn more about MERV ratings, and to help you choose which one is right for you, read our helpful information post.

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